By ja on Thursday, 10 August 2023
Category: Local info

From Njeguški prosciutto to cake from Perast - 11 branded products that you must try

In addition to the many beauties that Montenegro offers to the growing number of tourists who visit both the south and the north of the country, especially during the summer months, the well-known Peraška cake has been added to the group of protected domestic products, which is the 11th registered domestic product so far. 

Durmitor crust 

- In the past period, Montenegro has made significant strides in improving the quality of domestic products through the protection and registration of names. So far, 11 products have been registered, including Njeguški prosciutto and Montenegrin prosciutto with a geographical indication,  cheese from Pljevlja, Montenegrin beef prosciutto, Montenegrin litter, Durmitor crust and Kolašin sheet cheese with a mark of origin, wheat beer Čista desetka and Flower honey with a higher quality mark , and Bamija from Ulcinj style and Peraška cake with the label of guaranteed traditional specialty =

 Bamija from Ulcinj 

They add that apart from these, there are still a large number of products that have the potential or elements for establishing a quality scheme. When asked what this specifically means for the Montenegrin offer, the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry stated that the quality and diversity of agricultural production are among the most important advantages. 

Kolašin sheet cheese 

Promotion and protection of products with quality marks contribute to rural development, diversification of food products and greater consumer choice. The protection of our specific products contributes to a richer tourist offer and the development of the tourist destinations themselves, and brings producers higher product prices, easier appearances on the market, better organization of production and long-term survival - indicate from the Ministry of Education and Culture. 

Source: Boka News

cake from Perast 

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