Local and intercity bus lines


If you want to travel by bus in intercity transport, you can find the timetable of your route at BUSTICKETS4ME and Balkan Viatour . Or if you want to contact the bus station, below is a list of bus stations with contact information and also timetables for local city buses in Budva, Kotor, TIvat, Herceg Novi…


BalkanViator | Bus tickets and timetables | Taxi | Ride-sharing | BalkanViator

BalkanViator is a provider of information on bus timetables, bus tickets, taxi services and ride-sharing


The bus station is close to the railway station. Nearby the station is the hotel Terminus and shopping centre ''Mall of Montenegro''. Podgorica bus station has manyacilities as a cafe, stores, restaurants, post, bank, parking, tourist and rent-a-car agency, WiFi, WC..etc... Staff is kind and ready to answer all of your questions. You can reach the station by public transport: bus 6. With that bus, you can go to the city centre – hotel Crna Gora and the National Theatre.

Address: Trg Golootočkih žrtava 1, 81000 Podgorica
Working hours: 00:00 - 24:00 h
Phone: +382 (0)20 620 430
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
web: www.busterminal.me

information Box office opening hours 00-24 phone +382 (0)20 620 430Checkroom: Working hours: 06:00- 22:00 price for lugage for 24 h is 2.00 euro

Herceg Novi

Bus station Herceg Novi is located a few hundred meters from Kanli Kula (the old town). The station is owned by a private company - D Station from Podgorica.Contact information:

Address: Jova Bijelića 1 Herceg - Novi 85340Phone: +382 (0) 31 321 225Box Offices Opening hours: 06:00h - 24:00h

Local Bus Timetable https://www.blueline-mne.com/index.php/gradski-prevoz/gradski-prevoz-herceg-novi


Bus station
info phone: 032 66 33 66
Working hours: 07:00 – 21:30

Tivat, Bus terminal is located about 2.16 km from the town center, which is only a 5 minute drive.
At Tivat, bus station you can find: toilet, coffee bar and mall or supermarket (Franca).
Near Tivat, coach station you can find: hotels or hostels
In case you want to continue your travel you have the following transport services available near Tivat, bus station: taxi stand. The nearest airport to Tivat, Montenegro is the Tivat (Airport) which is 2.95 km away.

Local bus timetablehttps://tivat.travel/city-info/autobus/


Local bus timetable https://www.blueline-mne.com/index.php/gradski-prevoz/gradski-prevoz-kotor-tivat

Within the bus station is an air-conditioned waiting room, where there is a cash machine, cloakroom, ticket office, travel agency, cafe, a kiosk selling newspapers andother facilities.

Contact information: Address: Skaljari Kotor, 85330 Phone: +382 (0) 32 325 809 Box Offices Opening hours from 06:00 to 20:00.

Local bus timetable https://www.blueline-mne.com/index.php/gradski-prevoz/gradski-prevoz-kotor-tivat


Bus Station has located 1.5 km from the old town. The station is owned by private companies - International Trade Mercur in Budva.The station has a high B category, and there you will find the following facilities: Toilet, ATM, cafe, restaurant, mini zoo

Contact information:

Address: Rozine, Budva 85310

Phone: +382 (0) 33 456 000 Offices Opening hours: 06: 00h - 22: 00h

Local Bus timetable https://budva.travel/transport


Bar, Bus terminal is located about 1.39 km from the town centre, which is only a 18-minute walk.

At Bar, bus station you can find: toilet, coffee bar and parking .Near Bar, coach station you can find: hotels or hostels. In case you want to continue your travel you have the following transport services available near

Bar, bus station: taxi stand and train station 220

PHONE: +382 30 346 141


Bulevar Vellezerit Fraseri bb 85360 Ulcinj

PHONE: 030/413225 

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