Railways information
Montenegro railways connect 4 major cities in Montenegro Podgorica, Bar, Niksic and Bijelo Polje in domestic traffic as well as Belgrade in international traffic. Below you can find timetables in domestic traffic as well as contact. information. You can also find out about the timetable for Belgrade as well as further international connections from Belgrade.
Departures from Podgorica to
Beograd - Center: 20.05 (fast); Bijelo Polje: 6.31 (local); 16.48 (local); 19.10 (local); 20.05 (fast); Bar: 5.17 (local); 7.16 (fast); 7.55 (local); 9.10 (local); 12.11 (local); 13.00 (local); 15.30 (local); 16.36 (local);19.11 (local); 22.17 (local); Nikšić: 8.00 (local); 12.55 (local); 15.35 (local); 18.30 (local); 21.45 (local).
Departures from Bar to :
Beograd – Center : 19.00 (fast);Podgorica: 5.20 (local); 6.39 (local); 9.25 (local); 11.34 (local); 14.18 (local);15.30 (local); 17.05 (local); 17.58 (local); 19.00 (fast); 20.40 (local); Bijelo Polje: 5.20 (local);15.30 (local); 17.58 (local); 19.00 (fast);
Departures from Bijelo Polje to :
Beograd - Center: 22.43 (fast); Podgorica: 5.13 (fast); 6.39 (fast); 9.42 (fast); 19.45 (fast); Bar: 5.13 (fast); 6.39 (local); 9.42 (local); 19.45 (local).
Departures from Nikšić to:
Podgorica: 6.20 (local); 11.00 (local); 14.10 (local); 17.00 (local); 20.00
Latest timetable of departures on Link below...

Željeznički prevoz Crne Gore
Podgorica | |
Sutomore | |
Bar | |
Bijelo Polje | |
Nikšić |
Viber number for information on timetable: +382 (0) 68/441-212.
Messages can be sent every working day from 7 am to 3 pm.
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If you want to travel further from Belgrade you can do it for the following destinations, Austria, Greece Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Macedonia
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